
Showing posts from June, 2020

COVID-2019 : Priorities to set for Unlock-1 Reopening by Business leaders

COVID-2019 : Priorities to help reopen the business in unlock-1  What to do now and then in the era of uncertainty! Not just a (Re)Opening: A New Beginning In the current circumstances, Enterprises have three priorities to focus on:        1)     Navigate or Steer uncertainties   In the current scenario, the pandemic behavior is not at all predictable. Many variables including social, personal, and economical are responsible for the potential scenario. Given the range of potential scenarios, companies will need to be prepared to change course on time. Any steps that are taken to reopen should, therefore, be easily reversible and scalable. 2)     Reduce immediate challenges Normal human psychology seeks personal safety first in case of a life-threatening scenario. The current pandemic has developed tremendous fear in the average citizen about personal health. Companies will have to provide a safe and secure work environment, communicating with their wo